Friday, June 3, 2011


My time in Florida has come to an end. I loved my time there, but I am ready for something new. What I will miss most: my roomies Jackie, Katelyn, and Emily. My fellow CP’s: Emily, Travis, Eric, Michele, and yes even Tyler! The people I worked with: Ber-NICE, April, Cavelle, Crystal, Deb, Wendy, Ingrid, DAD (Anthony), and MOM (Patti). Magic Kingdom, Rockin’ Rollercoaster, Tower of Terror, Lion King show, my precious animals Kitten (rhino) and Luna (baby elephant), California Soarin, and select other rides. Twistee Treat. Hot weather. Beautiful beaches. I think that’s about it.
Katelyn & Me at my favorite Beach!

This is Heaven
I had one week in Salt Lake where I got to see my close friends and family. I especially loved sleepovers at Ericka’s and my seeesters. Dinner at Whit’s. Sweet awesome jammin’ party at Ben’s. Temple with Rachel, and a great weekend with my parents and Kristin as they came to my graduation!
Ben's Par-tay

Graduating with my best friend Ericka:)
(She's so tall!)
My darling family
Goodbye Westmini!
And now I get a lot of “me” time in Washington DC. I live at George Washington University, work at the American Red Cross, and spend my evenings alone, usually walking around the city, working out, and reading. Oh yeah, and trying lots of new foods! It’s been great so far.


  1. What a freakin sweet life! Congrats on graduating. And, Ben, that guy in that picture? A little close for just friendship? Gettin frisky? Coppin a feel? What a lucky dog. He's cute.

  2. Katie, you are my hero!! I love how you are traveling around and seeing parts of the country. You looked so pretty at graduation, and in all your pics. You will soon have a whole new group of friends. that is the great thing about church, it is everywhere!! Have fun!! Love you, Leslie

  3. I miss you so much Katie and this blog makes me so happy! I can't wait to keep reading about your adventures since we are separated and are no longer in each other's adventures every day. Sadness. I know. Love you and miss you like woah!
