Saturday, March 5, 2011


For years now, I have been wanting to go see the Broadway performance of Wicked. Well, my wonderful roommate, Ashley, won two tickets to see it at Bob Carr PAC in Downtown Orlando. The show was 3 hours long, but it was ama-'sing' and their voices were incredible! I loved it and checked it off my bucket list! I was so tired though, when I got home, I literally passed out on my bed. Which means...I did not set my alarm to get up for work at 7:30. So I woke up at 7:20 wondering why my alarm hadn't gone off. Oh wait! It never did! In fact, I found my phone just laying on the floor, not charging or anything! So, sadly, I was late to work. I hate being late anywhere, so I was pretty bummed. Lesson learned: Set my alarm for the next day in the morning.
Me and Ash on the balcony!

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